Recruitment & Selection
Specialised recruitment and selection of employees including assessments of potential and capability utilising BIOSS’ Career Path Appreciation (CPA) and Initial Recruitment Interview Schedule (IRIS) technologies.
WHAT IS IRIS? (Initial Recruitment Interview Schedule)
The IRIS is a structured 30 – 40-minute interview that determines an individual’s:
- Current capability to manage complexity, ambiguity, and uncertainty at work
- Decision-making capability (operational through to strategic)
- Theme of Work where he/ she will experience ‘flow’ and engagement
- “Snapshots” of where an individual is likely to experience flow in 5,10 and 15 years ‘time
- Designed for use with people currently working in the operational levels
The IRIS will be beneficial to your organization when you need to:
- Select the ‘right people into the right roles’ at operational levels up to middle management positions.
- Increase the level of flow and engagement in your organization
- Identify supervisory or managerial potential for career development, selection of candidates for equity initiatives, and selection of candidates for bursary schemes
- As an aid to succession planning and to identify “high flyers” for fast-tracking
- Develop talent pools
- Improve talent retention, job satisfaction and commitment
The MCPA is an internet-based questionnaire, followed by a validation interview (which can be done telephonically).
- To assess the individual’s current and future potential to make decisions in the face of uncertainty, within the context of the Matrix of working relationships framework.
- The internet- based questionnaire is designed to explore a candidate experience of work and way in which people prefer to approach work.
- The validation interview provides the candidate with an opportunity to reflect on their career, their aspirations, the type of work that frustrates and unnerve them.
The MCPA will be beneficial to your organization when you need to:
- Select the ‘right people into the right roles’ at middle management and up to senior management positions.
- Increase the level of flow and engagement in your organization.
- Develop talent
- Improve talent retention, job satisfaction and commitment.
WHAT IS LPA? (Linked Psychometric Assessments)
The LPA is an online assessment that can be ‘linked’ to MCPA or IRIS, supplementing their exploration of capability and potential with an understanding of 29 behavioral characteristics namely;
- Personality, team styles, management style, conflict handing, learning style and work & attitudes styles.
- Suitable for middle management to senior Management